Wokeca Cola


Owns Dasani, Sprite, Monster, Powerade, AHA, Minute Maid, Fanta, Vitamin Water, FuzeTea, Gold Tea, Schweppes UK, Simply, Fairlife, Bodyarmor, CANarchy Craft Brewery Collective, Deep Ellum Brewing, Deep Ellum, Oskar Blues (Colorado), Cigar City (Florida), Easy Peasy IPA, Neato Bandito Mexican-style lager, Play Date sour blonde, Perrin (Michigan) and Squatters & Wasatch.


Boycott this far 'woke' company



Donald Trump has called for a boycott of this left-wing company.


Banned the words 'Trump 2024' from its personalized cans. Reportedly allows the words 'Harris Walz 2024'.


Coca-Cola's left-wing CEO James Quincey (D) went on CNBC to to declare Georgia's legislation to restore order in voting laws as "unacceptable" and "a step backwards".


Coca-Cola is also an overtly racist company. They require employees to go through training in diversity, equity and inclusion (all code words for anti-white, anti-men, anti-straight, etc). Included in training was a racist "racial justice" training program to be less white. Only after backlash, Coca Cola tried to creatively dodge criticism with a non-denial denial, by claiming that the "less white" program was "not required" and not a "focus" of their training program.


Coca-Cola is accused of paying the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation to call soda taxes ‘racist’.


Enemies of free speech: Coca-Cola stopped advertising on Musk's Twitter.


Coke took a stand against Trump's travel ban.


Coke donated $2.5 million to the NAACP, Equal Justice Initiative, and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, thus furthering the systemic lie of systemic racism in America. Race-based donations to the Thurgood Marshall Fund.


Coke wants more censorship on social media! Let these communists know what you think.


Coke opposes North Carolina's common sense bathroom bill, whereby all public bathrooms and locker rooms are single-sex facilities. Men use the men’s room and women use the women’s room. Sexual identity is based on biology, as stated on one’s birth certificate.


www.AlwaysWokaCola.com -- Coca Cola health dangers, false advertising, wokeness, forced labor, plastic polluters.


Sugary drinks linked to Type II Diabetes. A 12 ounce can of Coca Cola contains a whopping 39 grams of sugar. The American Diabetes Association recommends that men should consume no more than 36 grams of added sugar per day. Women should consume no more than 25 grams per day.



Coca Cola has no redeeming qualities.


Surry County, North Carolina banned Coke vending machines because the company is too left-wing.



Stop buying Coca-Cola, Dasani, Sprite, Monster, Powerade, AHA sparklilng water, Minute Maid, Fanta, Vitamin Water, FuzeTea, Gold Tea, Schweppes UK, Simply, Fairlife ice cream and dairy (Coke owns 42.5%), etc. Don't buy Pepsi products either! Pepsi Co is almost as bad as Coke!




1. Discover new colas. If you're a Coca Cola addict, then challenge yourself to stop drinking Coke for 2 to 4 weeks!


2. Stop drinking or scale back sugary sodas. Wean yourself off, by drinking lemon water or 0 calorie carbonated sodas such as Waterloo or LaCroix -- but not AHA, which is owned by Coke, or Bubly, which is owned by Pepsi. In short, sugar gets stored as fat! You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary drinks contain a lot of calories. You are more likely to become diabetic if you are overweight.



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