Review of Amnesty International
Amnesty International is just another group of far-leftist hypocrites that parrots Marxist democrat party lies, propaganda, and hate.
Amnesty International claims to fight for human rights. In reality, they fight against human rights. They want to erode gun rights. They want to censor social media. They hate Trump, the president of the people, repeating the Marxist democrat party's worst smears and propaganda. They parrot the DNC's divide-and-conquer agenda of LGBTQ tribalism, and anti-white and anti-Israel racism. They reinforce global warming and COVID mass hysteria, and that we must trust big brother government to protect us. The Science™ is settled!
On the one hand, Amnesty International wants Russian political prisoner Alexie Navalny to be freed. Yet, at the same time, Amnesty International is deafeningly silent on the endless political persecution of Donald Trump, the president of the people. In fact, Amnesty International, a United Kingdom-based group, has full-on Trump Derangement Syndrome!
NAZI-STYLE SMEAR PROPAGANDA: Amnesty International must have learned from Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels that if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Amnesty International's Secretary General said that Trump's 2016 election campaign was characterized by "poisonous" discourse in which "he frequently made deeply divisive statements marked by misogyny and xenophobia, and pledged to roll back established civil liberties and introduce policies which would be profoundly inimical to human rights." He also said that "the world in 2016 became a darker and more unstable place" under Trump.
BELOW: Amnesty International spreading outright lies that Trump 'incited violence' on January 6th.
TRUTH: In reality, Trump did nothing but call for peaceful protest, a human right. There is no audio sound bite, nor any social media post, of any such calls for violence by Donald Trump. In reality, Trump repeatedly called for peace. But Amnesty Internation is not interested in truth, nor in fighting for the right of people to protest if those people are Republicans.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
- Donald Trump's speech on Jan 6th
BELOW: Amnesty International got upset when Trump was reinstated on social media, and they continued to spread DNC lies and hysteria that Trump 'escalated violence' on January 6th.
BELOW: Like fragile college campus children in need of a 'safe space', Amnesty International uses the cloak of fighting 'hate speech' in order to justify social media censorship. The 'hate speech' defense is used to censor political opponents.
TRUE INTENTIONS REVEALED: Amnesty International fully supported the 5-month-long Black Lives Matter/George Floyd riots and had the unmitigated gall to blame Donald Trump for 'inciting' the riots and preemptively attacked Trump for having the gall to want to stop the looting.
SUPPORTS THE VIOLENT MARXIST BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT: Amnesty International is oblivious to the violence and looting that happened at BLM protests which resulted in 2+ billion dollars in damage, 624 arsons, 97 police vehicles burned, 2,385 looting incidents, 16,241 arrests, 23 people shot, 2,037 police officers injured, 1 retired policeman killed.
WILLFULLY IGNORANT: Amnesty International rushed to judgment and continued to perpetuate the lie that Michael Brown was some sort of victim, 6 years after he repeatedly attacked a police officer.
FROM THE DNC PLAYBOOK... IF YOU'RE AGAINST OPEN BORDERS, YOU'RE A RACIST! Amnesty International has no interest in cultures or countries. They want floods of refugees to enter America and Europe. If you disagree, you are conveniently a 'racist'.
BELOW: Amnesty International has a deep-rooted hatred of white people.
Confession through projection.
Confession through projection.
Confession through projection.
Amnesty International is a threat to human rights.
Amnesty International is a threat to human rights.
Amnesty International is a threat to human rights.
BELOW: Amnesty International rushed to support the radical left members of 'the Squad'. Where was Amnesty when Rashida Tlaid called Trump a "mother f*****"? Where was Amnesty when Obama instituted the same ban?
BELOW: Amnesty International has a hysterical hatred of only white people. Only white people are racist and supremacist. One has to wonder if MSNBC is ghostwriting these posts.
BELOW: Amnesty International wants American reparations for slavery from over 155 years ago.
AMNESTY'S DEAFENING SILENCE OVER POLITICAL PRISONER GONZALO LIRA: While living in Ukraine, Gonzalo Lira exercised his right to free speech by criticizing Ukraine and Zelenskyy as a dictatorship and he called Kamala Harris an idiot. For that, he was put in prison in Ukraine for allegedly spreading Russian propaganda in Ukraine. Amnesty International is not interested in freeing conservatives who speak out against left-wing narratives.
AGAINST COVID CENSORSHIP... BUT ONLY IN SELECT COUNTRIES: At first glance, one might be fooled by Amnesty International's rhetoric on stopping COVID censorship. Unfortunately, that's only in places like China, Columbia, and Greece. In countries like America, Amnesty is instead worried about COVID 'misinformation'. Censorship good!
BELOW: Amnesty International never indentifies what supposed 'misinformation' they are talking about, but we can deduce from this Twitter post that they don't want anyone to challenge the medical establishment's claimed safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, and they want social media companies to act as a medical Ministry of Truth by censoring out information that is not 'correct' -- a weasel word for 'only the medical establishment knows what's best'. Another weasel word is 'best available evidence' -- Translation: Amnesty International only wants the medical establishment to speak. They want to censor people like Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kelly Victory, Dr. Simone Gold, and anyone who goes against medical establishment GroupThink. Amnesty International also spreads the faulty narrative that we can 'contain' the virus, presumably through lockdowns and masks, none of which worked. Ironically, this is a 'human rights' organization arguing for censorship of rightful speech. Even if you believe that something said is misinformation, misinformation is free speech. If you want to say that the earth is flat, that is your right! Amnesty International doesn't seem to understand this basic right.
BELOW: COVID hysteria! Amusingly, Amnesty International contradicts the medical establishment's narrative that if you're vaccinated you're safe and you can't spread it to others. Amnesty has unwavering trust in the vaccines.
BELOW: Amnesty International, a UK organization, wants the big Marxist government to regulate social media in America. 1st Amendment bad!
GIVE PEACE A CHANCE ORANGEMAN IS JUST DOING THIS FOR A PHOTO-OP: This Tweet from Amnesty International is straight out of the left-wing media's playbook of truth suppression techniques. Find a negative spin as desired.
CLIMATE CHANGE NONSENSE: Amnesty International parrots the usual 'climate crisis' and 'climate justice' nonsense (because weather is, of course, racist). They also parrot the myth that The Science™ is settled and we actually can switch to wind and solar. It's simply not possible.
PURE HYPOCRISY! A 'HUMAN RIGHTS' ORGANIZATION HATES GUNS! The primary purpose of the Second Amendment is to ensure that Americans will be able to defend themselves should a tyrannical power overtake the Nation, which the Marxist democrat party is trying to do right now! HINT: Amnesty International is on the same team as the democrat party, so they don't care. The fact that Amnesty Internation is trying to erode the right to bear arms is proof positive that Amnesty International is nothing more than a left-wing political organization.
BELOW: If you support the 2nd Amendment you're a 'white supremacist'. How convenient! And so, in a Pavlovian response, the peasants all turn in their guns to their trusty government.
Amnesty International is pro-abortion.
Amnesty International wants to close Guantánamo Bay (AKA free terrorists). Amnesty says America runs a "gulag".
Amnesty International called for the arrest of former President George W. Bush for waterboarding jihadists. Amnesty International had NO interest in calling for the arrest of U.S. President Barack Obama for killing jihadists without trial.
Not only does Amnesty support Islamist prisoners, which is bad enough, but it even employs Islamists.
Amnesty International is anti-Israel and says that Jews building houses are "war crimes".
BELOW: Amnesty is oblivious to Palestinians blowing up Israel.
Harvard University's affiliate of Amnesty International, blamed Israel for Hamas' surprise attack that killed 700+ Israelis.
"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
-- Winston Churchill
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