

Boycott this far-left company





Airbnb is a far-left 'woke' company from the crime-infested, Marxist, homeless encampment known as San Francisco.


Regardless of your politics, Airbnb's cancellation policies are generally brutal compared to those of hotels. Are you really saving money by staying at an Airbnb? What happens if you miss your flight, have a last minute family emergency, get sick, or any number of other things that can derail a trip? Airbnb has 6 different cancellation policies. For example, with their "Moderate" policy, if you cancel less than 5 days before check-in, you will be billed for the first night, and for 50% of subsequent nights! Airbnb hosts are sick of Airbnb.


Airbnb symbolically cut off political funding to Republicans who support Trump. Not that this had any impact, because Airbnb employees and PAC's already were huge Democrat donors by a ratio of 97% to 3%.


Airbnb banned conservative, Michelle Malkin.


Airbnb banned Laura Southern because of her politics and her 'affiliations'.


Airbnb then banned Laura Southern's parents for being Laura Southern's parents!


Airbnb banned Proud Boys at the Million MAGA March and threatened to ban "Unite the Right" attendees, yet we are unaware of Airbnb ever banning ANTIFA, BLM, the ACLU, the ADL, or other radical left-wing groups.


Anti-Republican: Airbnb blocked all reservations in the Washington DC area in order to prevent Trump supporters from protesting Biden's inauguration. Airbnb never blocked leftist reservations during Trump's inauguration.


Airbnb offered free housing to refugees and any others not allowed into the United States as a result of Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13769.


Against Trump's travel ban.


AirDNC: Airbnb host accused of evicting Trump ballot chasers.


Airbnb demands users agree to “treat everyone—regardless of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age — with respect, and without judgment or bias.” 


Like true globalists, Airbnb is paying to house 20,000 Afghanistan refugees, putting hosts at risk, despite the fact that none of the 82,000 Afghans were vetted. A reasonable fear of hosts is that some of these "refugees" might be ISIS terrorists. Airbnb is literally permanently banning hosts who say that they would not host them in their homes. One host was banned over a forum post.




Airbnb is banning undefined 'hate groups', yet will not ban BLM, and in fact supports BLM. Big Tech is famous for using the 'hate group' label as an excuse to essentially smear and ban conservatives. Conservatives should boycott Airbnb anyway.


Donated $500,000 to the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, and to the NAACP, and encourages others to donate as well. On July 7th, Airbnb encouraged guests to only spend money at black-owned businesses, thus discriminating against businesses owned by people of other skin pigmentations.


Airbnb opposes North Carolina's common sense bathroom bill, whereby all public bathrooms and locker rooms are single-sex facilities. Men use the men’s room and women use the women’s room. Sexual identity is based on biology, as stated on one’s birth certificate.


Airbnb's community forum censors content. Here's an actual post that was deleted because it didn't fit the government's narrative about COVID-19...




Hosts and guests alike have endless negative stories to tell about Airbnb.



Airbnb has no redeeming qualities.



Do not host with Airbnb or stay at an Airbnb accomodation.








3. (RV stays).


4. For cheap hotel stays, we recommend Motel 6.


5. Use when searching for hotels that are not on our boycott list.



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