One word: Censorship
This post indicates that MeWe is censoring conservative speech, just as Big Tech does.
Here's another post claiming that MeWe is taking down all #StopTheSteal content.
MeWe is actively banning gun groups.
The CEO of MeWe has openly said he doesn't want MeWe to be a right-wing echo chamber. He says "I don't like sites that are anything goes" and "I think they're disgusting."
Do the math: MeWe is hosted by Amazon AWS, the very same cloud hosting company that hosted Parler. Amazon shut Parler down but did not shut down MeWe. That says it all. Obviously Amazon is pleased with MeWe's commitment to censorship.
In fact, MeWe's creator never set out to build a home for "unfettered speech". He merely wanted a platform focused on privacy. That's it! For confirmation, MeWe has a very broad terms of service agreement which states that you are not allowed to "post defamatory obscene, shocking, hateful, threatening or otherwise inappropriate content or airing personal grievances or disputes". This is the exact same kind of broad language that Big Tech uses to censor conservative speech! Note that Parler, Gab, Minds and CloutHub have NO such speech restrictions. MeWe uses weasel words in their FAQ, which states "We have a strict and clear Terms of Service protecting our members: haters, bullies, porn, spammers, bots, lawbreakers, violence inciters, etc. are prohibited". So, if you 'hate' on Nancy Pelosi or Greta Thunberg, you could be banned. If you challenge someone on the efficacy of masks, you might be deemed a 'bully'. If you encourage people to attend a StopTheSteal rally, you could be deemed as 'inciting violence'. As discussed earlier, this is in fact what MeWe does!
MeWe is headquartered in the Marxist city of San Francisco.
MeWe has no redeeming qualities.
Do NOT fall for yet another platform of censorship. Don't use MeWe.
1. Switch to Gab. CEO, Andrew Torba is committed to protecting free speech. Hosted on their own servers.
3. Use -- Lauched by Team Trump. Has a functionality that is similar to Twitter.
3. Use Trump's TRUTH Social platform when launched in early 2022.
4. Use Minds, but just as a backup platform. Keep in mind that the Minds App is approved by Apple's App store, which tells you that censorship is alive and well. Furthermore, there are too many social media platforms. This fractures Gab's share. OK to use Minds as a backup site in case Gab is ever down.
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