Home Depot
Home Depot has joined the woke wagon
If Home Depot was a politician, they would be Liz Cheney. Sometimes they say and do the right things, but lately they've fallen off the wagon. Co-founder, Ken Langone once supported Trump, then he began parroting the mainstream media's Capitol protest lies about Trump. Where was Ken Langone's outrage over the BLM riots? Instead, Home Depot supported the violent, lawless, Marxist movement.
Home Depot now has a 'diversity, equity and inclusion department'. Home Depot has adopted D.I.E. (race over merit) and ESG (global warming nonsense, etc).
We're told that a Home Depot store in South Minneapolis actually flew a pride flag and was handing out Black Lives Matter signs. Why is a hardware store promoting Marxism?!
ANTI-WHITE RACISM IS ON FULL DISPLAY AT HOME DEPOT: Home Depot's Calgary Canada store posted racist critical race theory propaganda in the employee lunch room, talking about about confronting ‘white privilege, Christian privilege, heterosexual privilege, able-bodied privilege,’ etc. The company's weak response was to merely say that it was "not part of any required programming." This affirmative response confirms that this flyer had indeed been approved as part of Home Depot's 'diversity and inclusion initiative'. They allowed it!
Home Depot "advertised flyers to its employees about confronting their ‘white privilege, Christian privilege, heterosexual privilege, able-bodied privilege,’ etc."
In total, Home Depot has donated 12 million dollars to BLM releated causes. Home Depot also donated 1 million dollars to Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (although this is much less than the 25 million that Lowes donated in response to the BLM riots). Now, amidst smash-and-grab robberies plaguing democrat run cities, Home Depot is suddenly hypocritically in favor of law and order.
Home Depot's race-mongering CEO, Craig Menear, pushes the false and racist narrative of systemic racism [1, 2].
Home Depot has adopted ESG.
In 2020, Home Depot's once heavy employee and PAC donations to Republicans began to serously waiver. In 2016, they donated 2.5 times more to Republicans. By 2020, just 17% more. Although, Republican support has improved in 2022.
Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus is a big Trump and Republican supporter, however he left the company way back in 2001. We're sure that Coca Cola and Disney were once respectable companies, but have since been destroyed by leftists. Indeed, woke race-monger Craig Menear has taken over as CEO.
We give Home Depot credit for merely giving a middle-of-the road, ambiguous response to leftist mob's demands for HD to denounce Georgia's much-needed voter reform bill. However, as far as we know, Ace, Fleet Farm, Murduch's, Atwoods, Rural King and Atwoods made no comment on this political matter!
We also give HD credit for so far not joining the fake, self-described "nonpartisan" group Civic Alliance. However we also give credit to Ace, Fleet Farm, Murduch's, Atwoods, Rural King and Atwoods for not joining either!
We give HD credit for the fact that employee and/or PAC donations still favor Republicans.
Only shop at Home Depot if Lowes is your only other physical store option. Lowes is actually worse than Home Depot. This racist company has gone full woke. Lowes teaches critical race theory to employees, urging white employees to "cede power to people of color." We are also troubled by this company's choice to lavishly reward the BLM terrorists. In apparent response to the BLM riots, the company donated a whopping 25 million dollars (more than twice as much as Home Depot) to "minority owned businesses", thus discriminating against people who don't have the preferred skin pigmentation.
Home Depot was under attack by leftists. We say let them destroy the company! Home Depot management might want to take note that the leftist mob is never satisfied. You're only as good as your compliance with their latest ransom demand, otherwise they will turn against you at the drop of a hat.
1. Murdochs.com - Online ranch and home supplies store, based in Casper, Wyoming.
2. Atwoods.com - Online ranch and home supplies store, based in Oklahoma.
3. Fleet Farm - Built on Midwestern values. A great alternative to Home Depot. Order online.
4. Do-it Center -
5. RuralKing.com - Farm and home store, including laundry detergent, pet food, toys, etc.
6. Ace Hardware is a franchise, therefore you should judge each store individually. We like smaller, individual companies that can't abuse their power. As a whole, Ace employee/PAC donations are more Republican leaning than Democrat.
7. Menards Home Improvement store affiliates have historically been heavy Republican donors, however they started to waiver in 2020, becoming more centrist, and imposing mask mandates (even though masks do nothing) and banning (that's right, BANNING) children in their stores even though children are very poor vectors of COVID. Donations were made to Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. Still carries MyPillow. This is a regional midwestern chain. Support Menard's only as a last resort.
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