

How the left performs linguistic gymnastics in order to confuse, shame, sway opinions, exert control, etc.


In George Orwell's book 1984, war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. Similarly, liberals are famous for their Orwellian tactic of perverting language in order to shape opinions. Here are a few examples:


Their deceptive language What they really mean and/or truth
Our Democracy™ The democrat party's way. The democrat party's Marxist agenda dies if you don't vote democrat. Hint: Voting is democracy.
Women's March Democrat women's anti-Trump march, anti-white, anti-Elon Musk, anti-GOP, etc.
People's March Democrats' anti-Trump march
Climate denier Assumes that they are right, the debate is over, and The Science™ is settled
Election denier Assumes that they are right, there was no 2019 election fraud. Ignores Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and Al Gore election denialism.
The 'Big Lie' Democrats hysterically borrowing from Holocaust denial language
The Science™ The politics. Ignoring of science.
The Science™ is settled Oxymoron term. Science is never 'settled', especially when it's something as complex as climate change or COVID.
Contemporary scientific consensus Fancy language to justify censoring anyone who challenges their unsettled science.
Climate action The word 'action' falsely implies that humans can actually do something to affect earth's climate. The only 'action' happening is the raising of taxes and erosion of our freedoms.
Climate change, global weirding When we had record cold winters, the term 'global warming' became a publicity nightmare.
Climate crisis Just add the word 'crisis' and in a Pavlovian response, the peasants automatically get terrified. Pure hysteria.
Climate change denial The left confessing through projection. The science is not settled. Skepticism is rational.
Progressive Repressive, regressive. Also, a happy-sounding name for far-leftists.
Diversity, inclusion, equity Happy names for racism, Marxism, discrimination over merit, based on skin pigmentation (usually anti-Caucasian and anti-Asian), gender (anti-men), sexual orientation (anti-straight), etc.
Corporate Social Responsibility Woke companies colluding with each other to hire based on race, LGBTQ, and gender over merit. Climate change nonsense, anti-oil, anti-guns, anti-tobacco, etc. Also, penalizing consumers who don't adhere to the woke ideology.
Representation goals Race quotas
Empowering Discriminating based on race, gender, LGBTQ. Or simply benefiting leftists.
Safe Neighborhoods & Schools Act Legal to shoplift up to $950 in merchandise.
Unity Shut up and let us democrats get what we want
Transformative The radical leftist agenda
Unhinged, divisive, causing chaos, mentally unstable, etc. Smears that they use to describe anyone who disagrees with their views, policies, etc
Immigrants Illegal immigrants
Refugees Economic migrant invasion
Anti-fascist Pro-fascist
Anti-racist Anti-white
Anti-masker Smear term. Falsely assumes that masks actually work to stop respiratory viruses.
Anti-Vaxxer Smear term. Falsely assumes that getting vaccinated is the right decision.
Directed evolution Gain of function research
Build back better Burn the system down, roll out socialism
Fundamentally change America Destroy America with socialism
Inspire change, it takes all of us, stop hate The NFL's prisoners running the prison with happy sounding euphemisms for critical race theory, 'social justice', equity of outcome, racial discrimination, dismantling of the justice system.
Unity over division Falsely casts Republicans as divisive and democrats as unifiers. "Unity" to them conveniently means everyone surrendering to their radical plans.
Truth over lies War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.
A nation divided Democrats create division, then accuse Republicans of doing the dividing.
Disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, misleading Conveniently subjective terms used as a pretense to censor information, facts, or opinions that contradict their lies and propaganda.
Medical misinformation AKA We own The Science. Any truthful facts, studies, or opinions that contradict those of the media and medical establishment regarding masks, lockdowns, asymptomatic spread, vaccines, etc.
Bullying Having differing opinions, presenting inconvenient facts. A false pretense for censorship.
Microagressions Censorship gone full-Marxist.
Misguided Free-thinking people on the right who have found truth.
Controversial Smear term for anyone who presents facts and/or opinions that work against leftist groupthink.
Conspiracy theory Smear term for any interpretation that contradicts their agenda, beliefs, lies, etc.
Disinformation Governance Board Orwellian "Ministry of Truth" to protect Democrats from truthful information that gets out. The snake watching over the hen house.
Debunked Smear term for anything that they disagree with. Certainly not proven false, as the word might suggest.
Comprehensive, proactive, mindful Meaningless gibberish words used to pacify
Has bipartisan support The only Republican support comes from RINO's like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and Lisa Murkowski.
Historic A shield of protection for left-wing activist judge, Ketanji Brown Jackson. Any senator who votes NO to her confirmation is a racist who is ruining history.
Employment Development Department Welfare program
Uncle Tom Any black who doesn't fall in line with the democrats
Affirmative action Discrimination against Caucasions and Asians
Troll Someone on the Internet with conservative opinions or inconvenient facts
Believe women Guilty until proven innocent (unless a democrat is accused)
Gun reform Repeal the 2nd Amendment through incremental bans
Nazi, actual Nazi, dictator, fascist, semi-fascist, etc Names they call anyone who disagrees with them
Treason, Russian asset Conservative spreading inconvenient facts or differing opinions
Hate speech, harmful content Facts, or simply conservative speech that they disagree with and want to censor
Microagressions Hyper-race-mongering
Free-for-all The gaslighting of free speech. Freedom is slavery.
Freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach Happy name for censoring conservatives and their inconvenient facts and opinions, etc.
Promote healthy discourse, positive speech, safe Censorship of conservative speech
Content moderation Censorship
Online harrassment A leftist being presented with inconvenient facts, differing opinions
Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy Conference Democrat Marxists pushing for less democracy through increased censorship of conservatives
White supremacist, white nationalist Critical race theory smear term thrown at any Republican, white person, or anti-globalist. Confession through projection.
Radicalized, controversial, right-wing, hard-right Smear term for conservatives, Republicans
Vigilante Someone who honorably and lawfully defends businesses from ANTIFA/BLM arsonists/anarchists
Hard-left, far-left, radical-left Does not exist in their vocabulary
Living unsheltered, unhoused resident Vagrant, homeless
Xenophobic, Islamophobic No borders, no country
Me Too Movement The democrat party
The soul of our nation is at stake The survival of the democrat party is at stake
Protesters, mostly peaceful protesters Term used to downplay democrats, ANTIFA, and/or BLM behaving badly, arson, rioting, vandalizing, looting, assaulting, killing, refusing to accept results of the 2016 election.
Action civics, civic engagement, project-based civics, Civics Learning Act of 2021 Leftist brownshirts protesting, intimidating, and rioting
Teacher, professor Groomer, indoctrinator
Journalist DNC activist
Historically black colleges and universities. HBCUs. Black colleges and universities. Meanwhile, mostly white colleges and universities are considered racist.
Trespassing, breaking the law, blocking traffic Project Veritas journalist
Book burning Smear term comparison to describe conservatives upholding basic civil liberties by removing critical race theory books from school libraries
Rioters, mob, white supremacists An attempt to smear all conservatives who protest
Protests ANTIFA/BLM riots
Capitol Hill insurrection Vastly peaceful Republican protest, nobody has ever been charged with insurrection
Left-leaning Rioters, vandals, looters, ANTIFA, BLM
People of color Pandering, dog-whistle term to generate votes. We have no idea how this term is not racist, but 'colored people' is racist.
Whitesplaining Explaining why things that aren't racist aren't racist.
Alt-right, far-right, extremist Smear of any middle-of-the-road Republicans or Trump supporters who don't adhere to Democrat groupthink
Assault weapon (AR-15) A name that scares liberals, yet hunting rifles are more powerful
Victims Anarchist thugs who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse
Unarmed Armed with a knife
Across state lines Attempt to defame Kyle Rittenhouse as having committed some sort of 'crime'
Sedition, abuse of power, obstruction of congress Show me the man (Trump) and I'll show you the crime
Get out the vote, Rock the vote People who aren't motivated to vote usually vote (D). People who push these slogans are trying to get more (D) votes.
Back on the world stage Globalism, socialism, smearing Trump for being a nationalist, solidarity with world leftists like Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and Justin Trudeau.
Trump is coddling dictators Trump is trying to negotiate peace
Trump's tax cuts benefit the wealthy Trump's tax cuts benefit those who pay the most in taxes
The border challenge The border crisis
Reallocate funding, reimagine policing, reimagine public safety, police accountability Defund the police, race-mongering
Return to Jim Crow The GOP making voting more secure to help prevent voter fraud
Expand voter access Make it easier to vote without an ID -- AKA encourage fraud
Voter suppression Election security measures to prevent fraud
The 'sanctity' of [the FBI, voting process, etc] An attempt to quash any search for criminality, corruption, etc. The "How dare you" truth supresson technique.
For the People Act, Voting Rights Bill, Freedom to Vote Act Strip states of their ability to implement basic election integrity safeguards, such as requiring an ID. Preserve voting system deficiency.
Existential threat An actual democrat conspiracy theory
Fact Democrat opinion or falsehood
Fact-check Truth suppression by a left-wing propaganda outlet, opinion
Non-partisan Partisan
Conservative, Jennifer Rubin Liberal, Jennifer Rubin
Pro-choice Babies don't get to choose
Parade incident, parade crash, parade accident, holiday crash, deadly crash, Waukesha tragedy, tragedy caused by SUV. Racial motivated mass murder perpetrated by a person of color
Melee A word to lessen a mass murder perpetrated by a person of color
Let's Go Brandon 'right-wing slur', and 'vulgar insult' But it's perfectly OK for them to insult and defame Trump
Domestic terrorist Parent voicing opposition to critical race theory being taught in school, Canadian protester.
She/her He/him
Homophobic "Don't Say Gay" bill Parental rights bill, protecting kindergarten children from transgenderism indoctrination
Democrat Oversight Committee Witchhunt army and smear factory
FBI investigation, search, search warrant on Sheila Kuehl (D) RAID
RAID on Trump (R) Investigation, search, search warrant executed
Inflation Reduction Act Inflation Production Act
Not a recession Recession
Classified Unclassified, not classified documents held by Trump
Espionage Trump holding on to unclassified/not classified documents
(Republicans are) weaponizing, pouncing, etc. Republicans are simply pointing out crazy democrat policies, actions, etc. The 'How dare you!' truth suppression technique.
Leadership Accelerator Program, BIPOC representation, diverse suppliers Company discrimination against Whites and Asians
The World Economic Forum Destroy economies