Debunking COVID Myths:


Studies, data, and facts about masks, lockdowns, and more



Only about 75 healthy children have died of COVID during the entire pandemic!


BELOW: According to the CDC, only 1,257 kids age 18 and younger have died of COVID.

It is critically important to note that this stat does not separate the healthy from the unhealthy (those with at least one serious comorbidity such as leukemia, diabetes, obesity, etc).



So, what happens when we separate the unhealthy from the healthy (no comorbidities)? The CDC either does not provide this stat anymore or they obscure it (probably to ramp up fear in parents in order to induce them to vaccinate their kids). But, in September 2020 the CDC quietly reported that about 94% of all people who had died from COVID-19 in the US also had other contributing conditions listed on their death certificates (leukemia, diabetes, obesity, etc). Only 6% of deaths listed COVID-19 as the only cause. And so, if we multiply 1,257 times 0.06 we arrive at 75.42. Therefore, as of 5/28/2022, it is fair to estimate that only about 75 healthy children have died of COVID since the onset of the pandemic. There are 73.1 million children under the age of 18 in the US. If we count 18-year-olds, this raises the figure to about 77 million. Around 3,900 Americans ages 1 to 19 died from vehicle crashes in just 2020. So a healthy child is about 1,258 times more likely to die of a car crash in any given year, than die of COVID.


Keep in mind that an estimated 372 children age 0 through 17 died of the flu in 2018 alone. Schools were never shut down. There was never a mass hysteria push to vaccinate kids.


Chart below: Old but important data.


NOTE: The above chart is based on CDC data from February 2, 2020 until only August 22, 2020, and therefore is antiquated. Since then, new treatments have emerged that reduce the odds of death, such as monoclonal antibodies (70% reduction in deaths). The Pfizer pill alone has been shown to be 89% effective at preventing death (and hospitalization). Also, newer strains of the virus are less deadly. Various data suggests that Omicron is 50% to 91% less virulent. Thus, the current risk is certainly lower than stated above.


UPDATE: March 23, 2022 - Puffing up the data in the early days of COVID? In the dead of the night, the CDC reduced the official number of "COVID deaths" by 72,000. Included was a 416 reduction in pediatric deaths -- that's a whopping 24% reduction in deaths in people up to the age of 18.


UPDATE: KHN reports that for Florida children age 14 and younger, the COVID-19 mortality rate is 0.009%. This figure lumps the healthy in with the unhealthy. This makes the flu more deadly to children, at 0.01%. If we apply the CDC's statistic that 94% of COVID deaths occurred in people with at least 1 comorbidity, then the odds of a healthy Florida child dying if they get COVID is just 0.00054%.


UPDATE: Confirmed by UK study. Children are really, REALLY unlikely to die from Covid-19.


BELOW: Study finds omicron variant to be 91% less deadly.



FACT: According to the CDC, 75% of COVID deaths occurred in people with at least 4 comorbidities.

FACT: According to CDC data to August 22, 2020, 94% of COVID deaths occurred in people with at least 1 comorbidity.


FACT: Risk of dying from a COVID vaccine is 170 times greater than from a flu vaccine, according to VAERS.

FACT: Risk of adverse reaction from COVID vaccine is 56 times greater than flu vaccine.


Number of Americans who have had at least one vaccine shot: 257,846,006 or 78% of the population as of 6/18/2022 [data]

Number of Americans who have gotten a booster shot: 102,232,228 or 31% of the population as of 6/18/2022

Number of vaccinated Americans who are eligible but have not gotten a booster shot: 85 million (35%) as of 1/26/2022.

Number of American who have not gotten any vaccine shot: 63 million or 19.28% as of 1/26/2022.

CDC reported deaths after vaccination: *21,002 deaths according to VAERS as of Dec 24, 2021. [12/24/2021, 12/10/2021, 11/26/2021, 11/15/2021]

Estimated actual deaths from vaccines: Over 150,000 killed based on Columbia University study.

Odds of reported death following getting vaccinated (based on CDC's VAERS data): *1 in 11,933 (across all age groups and health status)

Odds of death following getting vaccinated (estimated by Columbia University): 1 in 1,610 (across all age groups and health status. Does not include added risk of permanent disabilities, serious injuries, hospitalizations)


*VAERS is a voluntary system that is subject to underreporting. What percentage of adverse events go unreported? According to a CDC study “VAERS sensitivity for capturing anaphylaxis after seven different vaccines ranged from 13 to 76%; sensitivity for capturing Guillain-Barre Syndrome after three different vaccines ranged from 12 to 64%.” That means that as many as 8 times as many of these adverse events may have gone unreported. Historically, VAERS has vastly under-ascertained deaths.

*The counter-argument is coincidence. For example, in the US, 2.85 million people died in 2019. That's 7,800 deaths per day. That's over 100,000 every 13 days. Inevitably some people will just happen to die shortly after getting vaccinated.


USA baby death count after vaccination: 2,620 (1,965) deaths as of 11/20/2021 according to VAERS.

USA baby death count after vaccination: Reduced by 25% due to a CDC "coding error".

The nation's 'progress' on vaccinations: LINK


CDC estimated number of Americans who have natural immunity: 146.6 million as of October 2, 2021. This number has probably been underestimated by the CDC. The real number is probably 146.6 million to 187.6 million infections.

Study estimated number of Americans who have natural immunity: 4 out of 5.


USA permanent disabilities after vaccination: 33,675 according to VAERS as of Dec 10, 2021. [1, 2]

Risk of permanent disability following getting vaccinated based on CDC's VAERS data: 1 in 7,174 (based on all age groups)

USA hospitalizations following vaccination: 75,605 according to VAERS as of Oct 1, 2021.

USA serious injuries following vaccination: 146,720 according to VAERS as of Oct 15, 2021. [11/26/2021, 11/15/2021]

Reported risk of an adverse reaction from a COVID vaccine: 1 in 333 (based on all age groups)


Vaccine Side Effects: One in 5,000 Germans affected by a severe adverse reaction after a COVID vaccination.

Vaccine Side Effects: Vaccine complications 40X higher than reported.

Vaccine Side Effects: Cardiologist: 30 percent of pilots currently flying would probably be disqualified due to vaccine-induced heart conditions.

Vaccine Side Effects: German insurer reports more vaccine side effects than previously known.

Vaccine Side Effects: COVID deaths may be under reported to VAERS by a factor of 20, says Columbia University study.

Vaccine Side Effects: Historically, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events (including side effects of all types) are reported.

Vaccine Side Effects: Nurses at one hospital note increase in heart attacks and blood clotting in vaccinated people.

Vaccine Side Effects: 14 of 15 post-COVID shot deaths studied by researchers found to be vaccine related


The number of children (under 18) who died of COVID through Aug 18, 2021: Just 361.

The number of (unhealthy or healthy) children in California (under 18) who died of (or with) COVID through 12/8/2021: Just 41.

Child populaton in California (under 18): 9,026,052

The number of child COVID deaths with no comorbidities: The CDC has not tracked comorbidity data in child covid deaths. The CDC does track comorbidities in the 0 - 24 age group. According to the CDC, "For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned". If we apply 6% to child deaths, then we can deduce that about only 21.66 healthy children have died of COVID.

Estimated number of healthy children who have died of COVID in California (based on 0 - 24 national rate): 2 or 3 California children

Injuries: 18 year old wheelchair bound after J&J shot.


Children and vaccines: More children die from the vaccine than from COVID.

Children and vaccines: 16,000 scientists and physicians agree that children should not get vaccinated.


What pandemic? During the 2021 - 2022 season the NFL had just one COVID-19 hospitalization out of 7,000 players, coaches and staff this season (reportedly a 31 year old, 313 pound player who spent only one night in the hospital -- not the ICU).

What pandemic? If you’re vaxxed, you’re more likely to be killed by lightning than die of COVID.


Omicron: Doctor who discovered Omicron was pressured not to reveal that it was mild.

Omicron: 91% less deadly.

Omicron: 83% less hospitalizations than Delta variant.

Omicron: 50 - 70% less hospitalizations than the Delta variant.

Omicron: 66% less hospitalizations compared to the Delta variant.

Omicron: Far milder than previous strains. No severe cases have been identified.

Omicron: June 2022 data from Denmark shows less people dying of COVID (versus with COVID and cancer, etc) even though cases are up.

Below: Yellow = died with COVID. Red = died of COVID



The evidence to support early treatment of COVID - Article


Vaccines failing against Omicron: Fully vaccinated account for 9 out of 10 COVID deaths.

Vaccines failing against Omicron: Pfizer offers virtually no protection against infection in children.

Vaccines failing against Omicron: Vaccines worse than nothing against Omicron.

Vaccines failing against Omicron: Israel study shows that the more you are vaccinated, the more likely you'll get Omicron.

Vaccines waning against Omicron: 90% of Omicron cases are vaccinated, and only 76% unvaccinated.

Vaccines waning: US Navy ship with a 100% vaccinated crew is sidelined due to COVID outbreak.

Vaccines waning: 60% of new COVID cases in Germany (in ages 18-59) are amongst the vaccinated.

Vaccines waning: UK study finds vaccinated adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated.

Vaccines waning: WHO says fully vaccinated should wear masks and socially distance.


Vaccine benefits exaggerated: Conflating absolute and relative risk reduction.


Case against booster shots: The FDA is not gathering any efficacy or safety data between now and when reformulated shots will be released in the fall of 2022.

Case against booster shots: There’s no evidence right now that healthy children, or healthy adolescents, need boosters. No evidence at all.

Case against repeated booster shots: Can damage your immune system.

Case against booster shots: Repeated vaccinations within a short time frame may cause immune response problems.

Case against booster shots: Risk of myocarditis doubles with each booster.

Case against booster shots: Both the vaccines and their boosters are not showing significant efficacy against Omicron.

Case against booster shots: No evidence that booster shots offer greater protection to the healthy, says WHO.

Case against booster shots: 5 reasons to never get a booster shot ever.

Case against booster shots: Japan adopts Ivermectin instead of repeated vaccine doses.


Case against mRNA vaccines - Pfizer vaccine can do more harm than good.

Case against mRNA vaccines - mRNA vaccines put you at risk of acute coronary syndrome.

Case against mRNA vaccines - Study says mRNA vaccines could be an early step to cancer formation.

Case against mRNA vaccines - "It’s probably going to cause people to get Parkinson’s who never would have gotten it in the first place, especially if they keep getting the vaccine every year. Every year you do a booster, you bring the date that you’re going to get Parkinson’s ever closer.”


Pandemic of the vaccinated - 12/31/2021 - 95% of Omicron cases in Germany are among the vaccinated.

Pandemic of the vaccinated - 11/11/2021 - Vaccines are NOT impacting infections.

Pandemic of the vaccinated - 11/3/2021 - COVID-19 vaccines have minimal impact on preventing transmission of the delta variant.

Pandemic of the vaccinated - 10/29/2021 - Despite 90% being vaccinated, Ireland experiencing the highest spike in cases in 9 months.

Pandemic of the vaccinated - U.K. data show the COVID death toll is higher among the fully vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. Between February 1, 2021, and September 12, 2021, 63.5% of those who died from COVID-19 within 28 days of a positive test were fully vaccinated.

Pandemic of the vaccinated - Despire 64% being vaccinated, 77.7% of COVID deaths in late October were vaccinated.


Herd immunity is NOT happening - Video. Professor Andrew Pollard says herd immunity is impossible to reach even with high rates of vaccination. Translation: Stop listening to the Karens who say that the unvaccinated are preventing us from conquering COVID.


Natural Immunity - 99.3% of people with natural immunity maintained antibodies for up to 21 months. (Note: The other 0.7% were probably false positive cases, so consider it 100%)

Natural Immunity - Natural immunity is 97% effective against severe COVID at least 14 months after infection.

Natural Immunity - Data from the New England Journal Of Medicine clearly shows that natural immunity is superior to both 2 and 3 shots of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Natural Immunity - Huge study finds natural immunity is far-superior to vaccine immunity.

Natural Immunity - 130 studies affirm natural immunity.

Natural Immunity - 11/11/2021 - CDC Admits it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from COVID.

Natural Immunity - 11/18/2020 - Cases of getting infected twice from COVID are 'rare' according to

Natural Immunity lasts AT LEAST a year - Study finds cellular and humoral immunity in people one year after getting COVID.

Natural immunity is better than the vaccine - Large study finds natural immunity is 13 times more effective than vaccine immunity.nity.

Natural immunity is better than the vaccine - Three Pfizer scientists admitted to an undercover reporter that they believe that natural immunity is stronger than vaccine immunity. They also say that they are not allowed to talk about it because of non-disclosure agreements.

Natural immunity is better than the vaccine - Study from Israel finds natural immunity to be about 13 times stronger than having two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Natural immunity is better than the vaccine - 15 studies say that natural immunity from prior infection is more robust than the COVID vaccines.

Natural immunity is better than the vaccine - Natural immunity is 700% better than vaccine immunity against the Delta variant.

Natural immunity is better than the vaccine - Just 72 out of 7,700 new cases (since May 2021) of COVID were reported in people who were known to have had COVID previously. That's less than 1% of the new cases. Nearly 40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated. So why are they telling everyone to get vaccinated? If you previously got COVID, then you really don't need any vaccine.

Natural immunity as effective as the vaccine - Translation: There is no need to get vaccinated if you were previously infected by the virus. This, according to even the far-left Cleveland Clinic.


Healthy children at virtually zero, if not zero-risk of COVID - Only 335 children under 18 have died with a Covid diagnosis code in their record, and we don't even know whether Covid caused the death or if it involved a pre-existing medical condition.


Dr. Marty Makary and the nonprofit FAIR Health analyzed about 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data. The report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.


Sweden schools: No masks, NO deaths - Out of 1 million children with no masks, none died of COVID. Some were admitted to an ICU but at a rate of only 1 child in 130,000. What comorbidities did these children have?


No instances of child-to-teacher transmission - A study of 90,000 students and staff at North Carolina schools found NO instances of child-to-adult transmission of COVID over a 9 week period.


Fake statistics - 52% of so-called 'COVID patients' in the hospital are being treated for something else. 1/27/2022

Fake statistics - Alameda County in California, reduced its Covid death toll by 25% after officials insisted that deaths be attributed to Covid only if the virus was a direct or contributing factor. If you apply this as a benchmark for the entire country, US deaths would be reduced to about 470,000, or 0.0014% of the total population as of 7/21/2021.


"Delta variant" - The Delta variant is less dangerous.


Social Distancing - Indoor social distancing guidelines are unnecessary and not based on science. It makes virtually no difference whether folks are 6 or 60 feet apart.


If lockdowns work, then why haven't they worked?


Lockdowns and masks: The science is settled. They don't work.


Lockdowns: Johns Hopkins University finds lockdowns in the US and Europe only reduced COVID deaths by statistically insignificant 0.2%.

Lockdowns: NY, Calif. failed in handling of COVID — but Florida was among best: study

Lockdowns: The far-left-wing NY Times finally admits that lockdowns did not make a major difference in COVID case rates.

Lockdowns: COVID evades multiple PCR tests and quarantining, infects 2/3 of staff at Antacrtica.

Lockdowns: Sweden has always had no lockdowns and now has zero deaths.

Lockdowns: MIT researcher finds lockdowns do not lower deaths -- only higher unemployment.

Lockdowns: 26 studies that indicate that lockdowns don't work in controlling the virus.

Lockdowns: Even a Military-Enforced Quarantine Can’t Stop the Virus, Study Reveals.

Lockdowns: Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine analysis found lockdowns to be a failure.

Lockdowns: Lockdowns have no clear benefit vs other voluntary measures. Peer-reviewed study, conducted by researchers affiliated with Stanford University analyzed coronavirus case growth in 10 countries in early 2020.

Lockdowns: According to even the left-wing World Health Organization, lockdown orders cannot curb the spread of the coronavirus. According to David Nabarro, MS, MBBS, a medical doctor and Special Envoy on Covid-19 for the WHO, "The ONLY time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your RESOURCES, protect your health workers who are exhausted." Notice how he does not recognize shutdowns as a means of actually stopping spread of the virus. He says that lockdowns make "poor people an awful lot poorer." The WHO also says that economic damage from the lockdown policies is UNSUSTAINABLE.

Lockdowns: Don't appear to have saved lives.

Lockdowns: Health officials finally admit (after the election) that schools should never have been shut down.

Lockdowns: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo flip flops, saying "We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass – the cost is too high." Cuomo's lockdowns have cost the state $15 billion.

Lockdowns of Outdoor Dining: There is no scientific study to link outdoor dining with spread of coronavirus. The Los Angeles County Health Department was unable to provide any evidence in court.


“The decision to include among other sectors [in lockdown], outdoor dining, and limiting that, really has to do with the goal of trying to keep people at home -- not a comment on the relative safety of outdoor dining” -- California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Mark Ghaly, while under oath in court


"We don’t have the data to pinpoint with any type of accuracy whether it’s this versus that [whether outdoor dining, factories, thanksgiving dinner, etc]." -- Dr. Kirsten Bibbins Domingo, PhD, MD, MAS, Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics


Lockdown of Schools: "If you look at the data, the spread among children and from children is not really very big at all, not like one would have suspected. So let’s try to get the kids back" -- Anthony Fauci, 11/29/2020

Lockdowns: Now that Biden is taking office, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot flip flops! Now wants to reopen restaurants and bars ‘As quickly as possible’ to reduce risk of underground parties. Translation: Lockdowns never worked!

Lockdowns: Shutting down outdoor dining may contribute to the spread of the virus.

Lockdowns: Lockdowns may have no clear benefits vs other voluntary measures.

Lockdowns: Could kill 1.2 million children globally.

Lockdowns: Lockdowns increased deaths.


If masks work, then why haven't they worked?



“Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus” -- Dr. Jerome Adams, Surgeon General


“We know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection” - New England Journal of Medicine


“From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.” -- The World Health Organization's top infectious disease epidemiologist, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove



Video demonstration on how aerosol cannot be stopped by masks





ABOVE: This state versus state chart illustrates the importance of having a large enough sampling period in order to account for margin of error. Before the Winter of 2021, it would have been a rush to judgment to conclude that masks provide a slight edge of protection.


BELOW: Despite having N95 mask mandates, Austria had a huge spike in cases in late 2021.




BELOW: Despite having medical-grade mask mandates, Germany had a huge spike in cases in early 2022. The media failed to account for the fact that viruses are spiky and erratic in nature. Correlation is not causation, especially when looking at small sampling periods.



Masks: 7/29/2022 - Mask mandate has NO impact on COVID in Alameda County, CA.




Masks: Study finds a growing body of literature which suggests school-based mask mandates have limited to no impact on the case rates of COVID-19 among K-12 students.

Masks: 4/19/2022 - Study finds that use of face masks in Europe either had no effect or caused higher death rates!

Masks: 12/20/2021 - The Brownstone Institute concludes (based on 150+ studies) that “surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are being used (without other forms of PPE protection), have no impact on controlling the transmission of COVID-19. The body of evidence indicates that face masks are largely ineffective.”

Masks: UK government says that there is no proof of “a statistically significant impact” of masks stopping virus spread in schools.

Masks: Mask mandates in schools were not associated with lower COVID transmission.

Masks: Bangladeshi mask study is statistically minuscule, not blinded, did not exclude pre-intervention infections, and highly complex.

Masks: Fatal flaw found in study touted by the media as evidence 'masks work'.

Masks: Face masks made no meaningful difference to infection rates.

Masks: Data shows that masking kids in Florida made no difference versus unmasked Florida counties.

Masks: 30 studies and articles undercutting masks.

Masks: Duke University finds that cloth masks are worse than no mask at all.

Masks: Do masks work?

Masks: A detailed overview about why masks are unnecessary and don't help in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Masks: Masks don't help stop the spread of coronavirus.

Masks: Masks don't work, and are actually harmful. The physical properties of medical and non medical facemasks suggest that facemasks are ineffective to block viral particles due to their difference in scales. Clinical scientific evidence challenges further the efficacy of facemasks to block human-to-human transmission or infectivity. A meta-analysis among health care workers found that compared to no masks, surgical mask and N95 respirators were not effective against transmission of viral infections or influenza-like illness based on six RCTs.

Masks: Masks have zero effect in the United States, accoring to study conducted by the University of Louisville.

Masks: According to a CDC study of patients with COVID-19, 74.2% reported "always" wearing masks and 14.5% wore masks “often.”

Masks: “There is no indication that areas with mask mandates have performed any better than areas without mask mandates. In fact, this policy could actually backfire.” - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Masks: A Danish mask study of 4,800 found little statistical difference in infection rates between a group that wore masks and a group that didn't. 42 of 2,393 people (1.8%) in the mask group and 53 of 2,470 (2.1%) in the no-mask group became infected.

Masks: According to Coen Berends, spokesman for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment of the Dutch government, “Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence. There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.”

Masks: According to Danish Medical Care Minister Tamara van Ark "From a medical point of view, there is no evidence of a medical effect of wearing face masks, so we decided not to impose a national obligation."

Masks: According to Anders Tegnell, Sweden's top infectious disease expert, “We see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport.” He told Science Magazine "The evidence is weak. Countries that have masks are not doing the best right now. It is very dangerous to try to believe that masks are a silver bullet."

Masks: The CDC has flipped and flopped. In a Feb 27, 2020 tweet by the CDC, "CDC does not currently recommend the use of facemasks to help prevent novel #coronavirus. Take everyday preventive actions, like staying home when you are sick and washing hands with soap and water, to help slow the spread of respiratory illness."

Masks: Anthony Fauci has flipped and flopped. In March of 2020 Fauci said "Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better. And it might even block a droplet. But it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And often there are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face."

Masks: According to Dr. Denis G Rancourt, PhD, "Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles."

He explains that aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm) are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.

Masks: In Southern California literally everyone wears a mask inside supermarkets, yet within a two month time period (November and December), 854 super market employees tested positive for COVID-19.


Cloth Masks: The CDC admits in October 2020 (6 months after recommending masks) that there is no conclusive evidence that cloth masks protect against COVID-19. They may actually increase the spread of the virus, as well as worsen other health conditions.

Cloth Masks: "Don't wear a cloth mask — cloth masks are little more than facial decorations" says CNN medical analyst.

Cloth Masks: Cloth masks are "not appropriate for this pandemic" says CNN medical expert Leana Wen.

Cloth Masks: "a cloth mask is not going to protect you from a virus that spreads through airborne transmission" -- Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb


Asymptomatic Cases: 40.5% of people who contract the virus have no symptoms. Many more people have symptoms, but that are so mild that they don't think they have COVID.

Asymptomatic Cases: UK study finds 86 percent of COVID patients have no symptoms.


Asymptomatic Spread: Study of 10 million people finds no asymptomatic COVID-19 spread. Media silent.

Asymptomatic Spread: Transmission of the coronavirus by people who aren’t showing symptoms is "very rare”, so says Maria Van Kerkhove from the World Health Organization.

FACT: There has never been a respiratory virus in history known to be transmitted asymptomatically.


Ivermectin: Studies

Ivermectin: Has antiviral effect against Omicron.

Ivermectin: It works!

Ivermectin: Misleading study that claims Ivermectin doesn't work is debunked by Doctors Alliance.


Hydroxychloroquine: Pfizer now recommends hydroxychloroquine.

Hydroxychloroquine: Studies

Hydroxychloroquine: Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine, Peter McCullough sees COVID patients and says 85% of COVID patients given multi-drug treatment plan recover from COVID-19 with complete immunity.

Hydroxychloroquine: According to Dr. Harvey Risch MD, PhD, when used in conjunctioni with zinc, vitamin D, an antibiotic like Azithromycin, and perhaps with steroids and other medications, Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be 90-95 effective in treating outpatients (within the first 5 or 6 days of symptoms).


Vaccine hesitancy: Study finds that the "Most Highly Educated Americans Are Also the Most Vaccine Hesitant"


CDC liars: The CDC has held back data in order to prevent vaccine histancy.


Cliff notes of Joe Rogan's interview with Dr. Robert Malone


ARTICLE: How the medical establishment rushed to judgment on mask mandates, then panicked when the WHO's Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove contradicted their groupthink.